74% = 74/100 = 37/50
To convert 0.65 to percent multiply by 100:0.65 × 100 = 65 %
To convert a decimal to a percent, multiply by 100: 2.6 x 100 = 260%
to convert from a decimal to a percent, simply multiply by 100. 87.5 as a percent would be 87.5 x 100 which is 8750, si the answer is 8750%
In my opinion, 69% is never a good grade. In my school that is a F.
The answer is 74, 100% of 74 = 74.
7474 is 74% of 100.
74 percent = 74/100"of" means multiplyso74/100*643= 475.82
Percent means "out of 100" so 74% can be written as 74/100 And because 74 and 100 have a common factor you can simplify the fraction further ... 74% = 74/100 = 37/50
10%*74 (10/100)*74 (10*74)/100 740/100 7.4
74/100 or a simplified version is 37/50
110 percent of 74 = 81.4 110% of 74 = 110% * 74 = 110%/100% * 74 = 1.1 * 74 = 81.4
74% of 325 = 325*74/100 = 240.5
74% of 20 = 20*74/100 = 14.8
74/100 * 80 = 59.2