> 9999876
Actually, 9999876 has four different digits (6, 7, 8, 9). The largest 7-digit number with three different digits is 9999987.
Since there are only five different digits, a 6-digit number can only be generated if a digit can be repeated. If digits can be repeated, the smallest 6-digit number is 111111.
8765 and 8756 and 8675 There are 24 total.
There are 126 different 5 digit combinations. Note that the combination 12345 is the same as the combination 45312.
987654321 is the highest nine-digit number with no repeated digits.
102 is the smallest three digit number with different digits.
smallest 8 digit number with three different digits
9,999,876 is the greatest seven-digit number using four different digits.
9876 is the largest four digit number you can make if all the digits must be different.
Since there are only five different digits, a 6-digit number can only be generated if a digit can be repeated. If digits can be repeated, the smallest 6-digit number is 111111.
Not necessarily. Consider 444. The digits are not different. The first and second digits are not multiples of 3 The first digit is not greater than the second digit. In spite of all that, 444 is a 3-digit number
Any two digit number in which: (a) the units digit is not 0, and (b) the two digits are different will form a new 2-digit number when the digits are interchanged.
The largest 3 digit number whose digits are all primes is 777. The largest 3 digit number with different prime digits is 753.