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Length of arc: (60/360)*2*3.14*16 = 16.747 feet rounded to 3 decimal places

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Q: What is the length of the arc on a circle with radius 16 ft intercepted by a 60 degree angle using 3.14 for pi?
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How do you find the degree measure of a central angle in a circle if both the radius and the length of the intercepted arc are known?

-- Circumference of the circle = (pi) x (radius) -- length of the intercepted arc/circumference = degree measure of the central angle/360 degrees

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Length of arc = angle (in radians)*radius = (pi/4)*14 = 10.996 cm

How do you work out the circumference of a circle using radius?

The formula for calculating the circumference of a circle is 2πr, where r is the radius of the circle and π is 3.1415926535890793 - usually shorted to either 3.1416 or 3.14 So that the circumference of a circle with a radius of 10 units is 62.83 units There are pi radians in a half of a circle. Thus, the measure of a central angle which is a straight line is pi radians. We have a formula that show that the length of an intercepted arc is equal to the product of the angle in radians that intercepts that arc, with the length of the radius of the circle. So we can say that the length of a semicircle is (pi)(r). In a full circle are 2pi radians. So the length of intercepted arc from a central angle with measure 2pi is 2(pi)(r).

What is the length of the radius of the circle?

The radius of a circle is the length of the line from the center of the circle to any point on its edge.

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The arcs are 59.31 cm and 3.49 cm.

Given a circle with a radius of 8mm and an arc with a length of 4.2 mm what is the degree of the arc?

The degree of the arc is: 30.08 degrees.

If the diameter of a circle is 4 centimeters what is the length of the radius?

Length of a radius is always half the diameter of a circle. This means that the circle has a radius of 2cm.

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The diameter of any circle is twice its radius

What is the length of a radius and the length of a diameter?

The length of a radius of a circle is half of the diameter of the same circle. So, diameter is always twice the radius.

How does the length of the diameter of a circle compare to the length of the radius of that circle?

diameter = 2 X radius

If the length of a diameter of a circle is 11 what is the length of a radius of this circle?

the radius is half the diameter. radius is half of 11. Which is 5.5.