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There is no mode. One of the weaknesses of mode, as a measure of central tendency, is that there may be none, one or many modes.

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Q: What is the mode if each number occurs only once?
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How do you do mode?

A mode is a most frequent number in a data set. A data set may have multiple modes. If each different number of a set occurs only once, then that set has no mode.

How do you work out the mode in maths when no number occurs more than once?

If there is no single number that occurs more than once, either every number in the set is the mode or there is no mode - check with your teacher to see which answer he/she wants you to use.

What is the mode of 4 and 21?

The mode is the number that occurs most often, but as both numbers appear once, there is no mode.

When can a set of data have no mode?

When each value occurs only once in the data set.

What is the Mode of 25 34 45 55 9145 1 3445 2534?

The mode is the most frequently occurring value, but each number occurs only once here, so it is undefined.

Why will a set of data not always have a mode?

A set of data will not always have a mode because some data sets will not have a number that occurs more than once.

What is the mode in 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23?

The mode is the number that appears the most. Because each number appears only once, there is no mode.

What does modeb2b10 tell us in excel?

=MODE(B2:B10) will give you the most commonly occurring number in that range of cells, if one number occurs more than any other number. If no number occurs more than once, it gives an error. If several numbers occur more than once and the same amount of times as each other, then it will return the first one that occurs most often.

What is the mode of 2 4 5 2 1 2 5?

The mode of a group of numbers is the most frequently occurring number in the group. In the listed group, the numbers 1 and 4 appear once each, the number 5 appears twice, and the number 2 appears 3 times - thus the mode of the group is 2.

What is the mode of this data set 1 45 67 89 101?

There is no mode of this data set because each number appears only once. For a data set to have a mode, at least one number must appear more than once. The mode of a data set is the number that appears the most.Think: mode, most

How do you work out mode of number?

The mode is the number that occurs the most...example:1, 2, 5, 9, 9, 8, 4, 3.. What would be the mode? the answer is 9 because all the rest occured once and 9 occured twice.

What is the mode of 215 to 285?

The mode is the most commonly occurring number in a set. If you had all the numbers from 215 to 285, each number would only appear once, so there would be no mode.