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The mean is the average: (2+15+21+27+31+42+55) divided by the number of terms (7). The mean is 193/7 = 27.6

The median is the number from the set which is in the middle, when listed lowest to highest, which you have already done. With your odd numbered set of 7 values, three numbers will be below the median, and three numbers above. The median is 27. If you had an even-numbered set, the median would be half-way between the two middle values of the set.

In your example, there is no mode. The mode in a set of data is the value that occurs most often. No element in your set occurs more than once, and so there is no mode.

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Q: Calculate the mean median and mode what data set Round values to the nearest tenth if the answer is not integer 2 15 21 27 31 42 55?
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The mean, median, and mode of any single number is that same number.However, usually you would calculate these values for larger sets of numbers, not for a single number.

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The median of a set of values is the number in the mid-ordinal position of the set in ordered form. To find the median of a set of number, first put them in order and then the median is the one in the middle. If there are 2n+1 numbers (n = integer) then the median is the n+1th number. If there are 2n, then the median is either defined as the the average of the nth and n+1th numbers.

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This question has no meaning.

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A median can have only one value.

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The median is a "midpoint" - for a set of numbers, it is the value for which half are above and half are below. Averages can be thrown off by extreme values, but medians are less susceptible. To calculate it, take your set of numbers, and arrange them from smallest to largest or vice versa. If you have an odd number of values, your median is just the one in the middle; if you have an even number, it's the mean of the two in the middle. So, the median of 1, 3, and 6 is 3, and the median of 1, 100, 101, and 102 is the mean of 100 and 101, or 100.5 . If you have values x1, x2, ..., and xn (n is a positive integer) where they are arranged in numerical order (either xi <= x(i+1) for i = 1, 2, ..., n-1 -or- xi >= x(i+1) for i = 1, 2, ..., n-1), a simple formula to calculate the median is to first determine if n is even or odd. If odd, just return the "middle" value - i.e., xj where j is n/2 rounded up to the next integer. If n is even, simply take the mean of xk and x(k+1) where k = n divided by 2.

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Yes. If the lower values tend to be farther below the median than the highest values are above the median, the mean is smaller than the median. why are write wrong