It's a number printed smaller, above, and to the right of another number. On the next line, '6' is the exponent: 106
It can be either. As a preposition, it names an object or state it is above. It can also be an adjective (the line above).
There is no limit to the number of y-intercepts a line can have. The axis itself is a line and it intercepts itself an infinite number of times.
First make the number line by drawing a horizontal line with an arrow at each end. Then put 7 or more evenly-spaced, vertical hatch marks ( very short vertical lines that extend about 1/8" above and below the horizontal line). Below the rightmost hatch mark put 0 (zero) , and then put the 6 negative numbers below the hatch marks to the left of zero. Put dots on the number line where the hatch marks for -5 and -6 cross it.
The numerator in a fraction is above the line.
The number at the top of a fraction is called the numerator.(The number at the bottom is the denominator.)
it is a NumeratorBY:Emily
It is the numerator.
The number above the line in a fraction is called the numerator. The number below the line is called the denominator. So in the fraction 5/7 5 is the numerator and 7 is the denominator.
The number above the line.
The number above the line is the numerator. The number below the line is the denominator.
A fraction is in its simplest form when the numerator (number above the line) and denominator (number below the line) have no factor in common - other than 1.
It is a fraction if the number below the line is not zero. If the ABSOLUTE value of the number above the line is smaller than the ABSOLUTE value of the number below the line then it is a proper fraction. Otherwise it is an improper fraction.So, -7 is smaller than 2 but -7/2 is not a proper fraction because the absolute value of -7 (which is 7) is not smaller than the absolute value of 2 (= 2).
The top number which represents how many parts of a whole.