It's range is from: -32768 to: 32767. You can get to those values from (215)-1 for positive and (215) for negative. The sixteenth (first from the left) bit is the number's signal. The positive values have one less in range because of the representation of zero.
Check here for other bit depths: http:/
Each 0 or 1 is a bit (bit being short for "binary digit") a byte is 8 of these (byte being short for "binary eight")
There's a big range. Depending on what school you go to (or will be going to) it can go from 5th grade to 8th grade. I had a little bit of pre algebra when I was in 5th grade, and if you're really smart you can qualify for a test to see if you can take pre algebra in 6th grade. It just depends on how smart you are really. *please note that even if you are smart enough to qualify it still depends on your countys policy
Not sure about the ration bit, but I suspect that the answer is a percentage.
Binary digit
For positive integers, if the least significant bit is set then the number is odd, otherwise it is even. For negative integers in twos-complement notation, if the least significant bit is set then the number is odd, otherwise it is even. Twos-complement is the normal notation, allowing a range of -128 to +127 in an 8-bit byte. For negative integers in ones-complement notation, if the least significant bit is set then the number is even, otherwise it is odd. Ones-complement is less common, allowing a range of -127 to +127 in an 8-bit byte, where 11111111 is the otherwise non-existent value -0 (zero is neither positive nor negative). Ones-complement allows you to change the sign of a value simply by inverting all the bits. Twos-complement is the same as ones-complement but we also add one. Thus the twos complement of 0 is 0 because 11111111 + 1 is 0 (the overflowing bit is ignored). 11111111 then becomes -1 rather than the non-existent -0.
The same as an unsigned type in any other implementation of C. An unsigned type is an integer that is guaranteed positive. Normally, the most-significant bit of an integer denotes the sign (positive or negative). Unsigned types use this bit to denote value, effectively doubling the range of positive values over that of the signed equivalent. For instance, a signed char has a guaranteed range of -127 to +127 while an unsigned char has a guaranteed range of 0 to 255. Note that a signed char typically has a valid range of -128 to +127, however this is only true on systems that utilise twos-complement notation. Those that use the older ones-complement notation have two representations for the value zero (one positive, one negative). Ones-complement simply inverts all the bits of a value to switch the sign of a value, whereas twos-complement adds the value 1 after inverting all the bits. The value zero is denoted as 00000000 in binary. Inverting the bits creates 11111111, which is minus zero on a ones-complement system and -1 on a twos-complement system. -1 + 1 is 0, hence we add 1 on a twos-complement system.
-128 to 127, in two's-complement.
-128 to 127, in two's-complement.
One-complement applies to binary values, not decimal values. Therefore when we say the ones-complement of a decimal value we mean convert the value to binary, invert all the bits (the ones-complement), then convert the result back to decimal. For example, the decimal value 42 has the following representation in 8-bit binary: 00101010 If we invert all the bits we get 11010101 which is 213 decimal. Thus 213 is the ones-complement of 42, and vice versa. However, it's not quite as straightforward as that because some (older) systems use ones-complement notation to represent signed values, such that 11010101 represents the decimal value -42. The problem with this notation is that the ones-complement of 00000000 is 11111111 which means the decimal value 0 has two representations, +0 and -0 respectively. In the real-world, zero is neither positive nor negative. To resolve this problem, modern systems use twos-complement to represent signed values. The twos-complement of any value is simply the ones-complement plus one. Thus the ones-complement of 42 becomes -43, therefore the twos-complement of 42 is -43+1 which is -42. Thus -42 is represented by the binary value 11010110 in twos-complement notation. With twos-complement, there is only one representation for the value 0. This is because the ones-complement of 00000000 is 11111111 and if we add 00000001 we get 00000000. Note that we don't get 100000000 because the result cannot have any more bits than were in the original value. When an "overflow" occurs, we cycle back to zero. As a result, incrementing and decrementing signed values has exactly the same logic as incrementing or decrementing unsigned values and flipping the sign of any value is only slightly more complicated by the extra addition operation. However, flipping the sign of a value is a much rarer operation than counting so the cost is trivial compared to the cost of counting operations using ones-complement (because there are two values for zero). Note that ones-complement notation allows an 8-bit value to store signed values in the range -127 to +127, whereas twos-complement allows a range of -128 to +127 (through the elimination of the extra zero). But in unsigned notation, both allow the same range: 0 to 255. Although we rarely encounter ones-complement notation, it is important to keep in mind that not all systems use twos-complement notation, particularly when working with low-level but portable programming languages. This is the reason why both the C and the C++ standards state that the range of an 8-bit signed value is only guaranteed to store values in the range -127 to +127.
Ones complement simply switches the state of all the bits (0s becomes 1s and 1s becomes 0s). Assuming 1000 is binary (for decimal 8), the 1's complement would be 0111. But if 1000 is really decimal one thousand, the binary equivalent would 1111101000, thus the ones complement would be 0000010111. Ones complement was originally used to represent signed integers. To flip the sign, all bits were flipped and the most-significant bit denoted the sign (0 for positive, 1 for negative). The problem with one's complement is that we end with two representations for the value zero: 00000000 and 11111111 in 8-bit notation. To eliminate this, most modern systems now use twos complement, which is ones complement plus one. Thus 00000000 is 11111111 + 00000001 which is 00000000. Note that ones complement notation means that an 8-bit value has a valid range of -127 through +127 (with two representations for zero) while twos complement gives us a range of -128 through +127. Signed integer notation is also system-dependent, hence the reason why a char data type in C only has a guaranteed range of at least -127 through +127 across all implementations. For that reason it is not safe to assume that -128 has a valid representation in 8-bit signed notation across all implementations.
Assuming the popular 2's complement is used, the range is from -24 to +24 - 1.
-128 to 127
ANSWER: MSB IS 1 In the 2's complement representation, the 2's complement of a binary number is obtained by first finding the one's complement (flipping all the bits), and then adding 1 to the result. This representation is commonly used to represent signed integers in binary form. Now, if all bits except the sign bit are the same, taking the 2's complement of the binary number will result in the negative of the original number. The sign bit (the leftmost bit) is flipped, changing the sign of the entire number. For example, let's take the 4-bit binary number 1101 The 2's complement would be obtained as follows: Find the one's complement: 0010 Add 1 to the one's complement: 0011
A signed 16 bit number can represent the decimal numbers -32768 to 32767.
A 5-bit binary counter, interpreted as an unsigned integer, has a range of 0 to 31. Interpreted as a two's complement signed integer, it has a range of -16 to +15.
Divide that number into 2 using modulus division. Modulus division get the remainder of the division. If it has no remainders, then it's an even number. If not, then it's an odd number. Here's a pseudo code of the program. ALGORITHM ODD_EVEN INPUT (number) IF (number MOD 2 == 0) THEN DISPLAY ("Even") ELSE DISPLAY ("Odd") END IF END ODD_EVEN Amendment: You did ask for a BASIC program: 10 INPUT X: IF X = 999 THEN STOP 20 PRINT X;: IF X/2 = INT(X/2) THEN PRINT "EVEN" ELSE PRINT "ODD" 30 GOTO 10