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The property is: If equals are subtracted from equals, the results are equal.

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Q: What is the property that you can subtract the same number from both sides of an equation the new equation will have the same solution?
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What is the property that states that if you add the same number to both sides of an equation the new equation will have the same solution?

Associative? Commutativity?

What is the property that states that if you multiply both sides of an equation by the same number the new equation will have the same solution?

im not a 100 percent sure but i think its.... Multiplication Property of Equality

What property states that an equation can be multiplied by a non zero number and the new equation will have the same solution?

I'm pretty sure that's the multiplicative property of equality...double-check.

What is A number that makes a equation true?

The solution set is the answers that make an equation true. So I would call it the solution.

What does no solution mean in algebra?

An equation can have zero solutions, one solution, two solutions, or many solutions. A solution is any number that, when replaced into the equation, will give an equality. An example of an equation without a solution is x = x + 1. No matter what number you use for "x", the right part will always be one more than the left part. Therefore, the equation has no solution. (Also, if you subtract "x" from each side, you get the equation 0 = 1, which is obviously false.)

Explain how you an determine if the number is a solution of an equation?

Substitute the number in the equation. If the resulting statement is true the number is a solution to the equation.

To shift the graph of an equation a certain number of units down you need to that number to from the functions equation?


A value that makes an equation true?

Any number that makes an equation true is a 'solution of an equation'. it is a solution

When is the addition property used in solving an equation?

The addition property says that if you add the same number (or subtract the same number)from both sides of the eqaution you do not change the equation. So to solve and equation you must get the unknown by itself, so you need to use this property, often along with the multiplication property. For example if X -5 = 3 you can use addition property to add 5 to both sides: X - 5 + 5 = 3 + 5 X = 8

How do you shift the graph of a equation some number of the units to the you add that number to each x in the equation?

Subtract that number from. Your welcome dumb

Number that makes an equation true?

A number that makes an equation true is its solution.

What is the word for a number that makes an equation true?

Solution. A solution of an equation is a number that satisfy the equation. This means that if you replace this number on the equation and check it, the equation will be true. When you solve an equation you can find some roots, but not all of them satisfy the equation. Thus always check your answers after resolving your equation, and eliminate as solution the answers that don't make the equation true or undefined.