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Q: What is the radius of the sphere with the volume of 36 pie?
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What is the radius of a sphere with a volume of 36 pi?

The radius is 3.

The diameter of a sphere volume 7776 pie squared?

d = 36

What is the raduis of a spere with a volume of 36?

The radius of a sphere with a volume of 36 cubic units works out as about 2.048 units

If a sphere has a volume of 36 pie units cubed if the radius is increased by a factor of what is the new volume of the sphere?

This exercise could have been a piece o' cake, and fun in its own right,if you had just told us what the "factor of ..." number is.By whatever factor the radius increases, the volume increases by the cubeof that number.

What is the radius of a sphere when the volume is 36?

Radius is the cube root of (36*3)/(4*pi) = 2.04835219 units or about 2.05 units

What is the radius of a sphere whose volume is 36 pi cubic meters?

6 meters

What is the volume of a sphere with the radius of 6 cm?

288*pi cm^3 or approximately 904.78 cm^3.

What is the radius of a circle having circumference equal 36 pie?

The radius is 18.

What is the value of V(3) the volume of a sphere with a radius of 3 units?

It is: 4/3*pi*3 cubed = 36*pi cubic units

Can you find the volume of a sphere with a surface area of XXXVI square inches showing your work in detail?

Yes. Second contribution: Surface area of sphere = XXXVI = 36 square inches. When all the working out is done, which the previous contributor has failed to do, the answer is: Volume of the sphere = 20.311 cubic inches correct to three decimal places. This was achieved by rearranging the formula (4*pi*r2) for finding the surface area of the sphere in order to find its radius. The radius was then used in the formula (4/3*pi*r3) for finding the volume of the sphere.

What is the volume of the smallest cube containing the sphere if the sphere has a volume of 36 pi cubic centimeters?

216 cubic centimeters

What is the volume of a sphere of radius 3 meters?

The formula for the volume of a square is: A = 4/3 * pi * r3 Therefore A = 4/3 * pi * 33 = 4/3 * pi * 27 = 36 * pi = approx 113.10 m3