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The term is probability (theoretical probability), or how likely a given event is to occur.

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Q: What is the ratio of the number of ways an event can occur to the number of possible outcomes?
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Why can't probability be negative?

Because probability is a measure of how likely it is that some event will occur. If there is no chance at all that the even will occur than the probability is 0. If it will occur with 100% certainty, then it is 1 or 100% A negative number would have no meaning in terms of how likely an even is to occur?

What is an example of theoretical probability?

The probability that a flipped coin has a probability of 0.5 is theoretical in that it assumes the existence of a perfect coin. The same can be said of the probabilities of the spots appearing on a single tossed die which requires the existence of a perfect die. Here's an example. Consider tossing a coin twice to see what comes up. It could be tail, head, or head tail, or tail, tail or head, head. The theoretical probability of two heads is one in four. In general, theoretical probability is the ratio of the number of times a possible outcome can occur in a given event to the number of times that event occurs.

What is the name of The number of different digits which can occur in each position in the number system?

For the decimal number system . . . 'Ten'. For the binary number system . . . 'Two' For the octal number system . . . 'Eight' For the hexidecimal number system . . . 'Sixteen' . . etc.

How many times does the number 7 occur in the count 1 to 100?

The number 7 occurs once. The digit 7 occurs 20 times.

What is the concept of zero and infinity?

Zero is nothing, null, zip, {ø}, 0/x. The concept is pretty easy, there's either something, or nothing (0)...or perhaps a probabilistic oscillation between the two states. Anyways...Infinity is definitely a hard concept, especially since you can't conceive it. No matter what you think about in order to try and conceptualize the vastness of infinity, you can always think of something even more vast. I like to think of it like this: If there is a finite probability that an event can occur, then no matter how small the probability of that event occurring is, that event will, not may, but will occur, with a 100% chance, as long as it is given an infinite amount of time to happen.Or 1/0

Related questions

What is the mathematical chance that an event will occur?

The number of possible outcomes that matches the event divided by the total number of possible outcomes is the probabilityof that event.

The what of event is the number of ways that the event can occur over the number of possible outcomes?


The ratio of the number of ways an event can occur to the number possible outcomes?

number of outcomes divided by the number of ways of occurrence

What word means the ratio of the number of ways an event can occur to the number of possible outcomes?

There is no single word. It is the "probability of that event" (four words).

What is the ratio of the number of ways an event can occur to the total number of possible outcomes?

If each of the ways is equally likely then it is the probability of the event but otherwise it is simply a ratio.

What is probobility?

1: the quality or state of being probable 2:something (as an event or circumstance) that is probable 3 a (1): the ratio of the number of outcomes in an exhaustive set of equally likely outcomes that produce a given event to the total number of possible outcomes (2): the chance that a given event will occur b: a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of probabilities

Why is the probability measured as a number between zero and one?

Probability is the ratio of no. of possible outcomes to the maximum no. of outcomes . If any event doesnt occurs ,then it is 0/N,where N=maximum no of outcomes .and that is 0 itself ,hence that is signified by zero ,or will at max, all the possible outcomes wil occur ,which means N/N that is denoted by 1. Hence probabilty for the occurance for any event is between 0 and 1.

What is the measure of how likely an event will occur?

Probability is the measure of how likely an event is. ... The probability of event A is the number of ways event A can occur divided by the total number of possible.

What is the definition of probability?

The likelihood that a particular event will occur is called probabilityThe ratio of the wanted outcomes divided by the possible outcomes gives a fraction or ratio usually expressed as a percentage.The likelihood of an event occuring.

How do you get probability?

The probability of event A is the number of ways event A can occur divided by the total number of possible outcomes. For example, the number of ways you can role a single die is 6, the number of ways to get an even number (2,4, or 6) is 3. So the probability of an even number is 3/6 or .5

What is the definition of theoretical probability?

Theoretical probability is the probability of an event when all outcomes are equally likely. With theoretical probability, you determine the probability by dividing the number of ways the event can occur by the total number of equally likely outcomes.

If you draw a card from a standard deck of cards what is the probability of drawing a spade?

To determine probability you do Number of Times the Desired Event will occur -------------------------------------------------------- Number of Possible Outcomes In this case, there are 52 cards in a deck (assuming no jokers). 1/4th of those cards are spades (This gives us 13 spades) so Number of Times the Desired Event will occur = 13 Number of Possible outcomes = 52 You will draw a spade 13 out of 52 times. (13/52) Or reduced - You will draw a spade 1 out of 4 times (1/4)