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Zero is nothing, null, zip, {ø}, 0/x. The concept is pretty easy, there's either something, or nothing (0)...or perhaps a probabilistic oscillation between the two states. Anyways...

Infinity is definitely a hard concept, especially since you can't conceive it. No matter what you think about in order to try and conceptualize the vastness of infinity, you can always think of something even more vast. I like to think of it like this: If there is a finite probability that an event can occur, then no matter how small the probability of that event occurring is, that event will, not may, but will occur, with a 100% chance, as long as it is given an infinite amount of time to happen.

Or 1/0

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Q: What is the concept of zero and infinity?
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Infinity is more a concept than a number. But the answer would be a number that is so infinitesimally small as to basically equal zero.

What is infinity divided by pi?

Impossible to answer ! Infinity is a never ending quantity - and Pi is a never ending decimal !

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Infinity cannot, by definition, be a defined number such as zero.

When was Zero to Infinity created?

Zero to Infinity was created in 1999-09.

Why is the concept of zero and infinity so important to us?

Zero is important because it gives us the concept of having nothing and there being void this is used for purposes with math and real life in how we view things. Infinity goes on and on forever providing a concept that time does not end or a feeling of eternity which is hard to grasp. But if time did have an end and things just stopped, that would be equally as hard to think about.

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Infinity into zero = Log 2 = 0.692 by L'hospital Rule

What is the value of zero times infinity?

Zero times infinity is defined as "indeterminate".

What is the limit of infinity over zero?

infinity? Infinity over zero is undefined, or complex infinity depending on numbers you are including in your number system.

Why is infinity minus infinity not zero?

Infinity is a sophisticated mathematical concept and there are highly evolved rules for manipulating quantities with are or which can become infinite.In the absence of a context, simple questions such as "infinity minus infinity" can not be answered. In mathematical and physical situations where such questions arise, there is normally a completely rational and prescriptive way to arriving at an answer.

What is zero minus infinity?

minus infinity

Why is zero times infinity undefined?

Because zero multiplied by any number is always zero, but anything multiplied by infinity is infinity. Zero times infinity is being pulled both ways. Also, the definition of infinity is any number x divided by 0. When you multiply zero by infinity, the zeroes "cancel out", leaving absolutely nothing behind.

Who log zero is infinity?

Log zero is not defined, and if it were defined, it would be more likely to be minus infinity than infinity.