Since there are only five different digits, a 6-digit number can only be generated if a digit can be repeated. If digits can be repeated, the smallest 6-digit number is 111111.
012345 or -543210, if negative numbers are permitted.
7? (13579)
yes,number system contains digits..
0.1 is the smallest positive number with 2 digits and a decimal point. without a decimal point the smallest is 10.
Including the leading zero, the smallest number you can make from the digits 03418 is 01348. Without the leading zero in the ten thousands column, the smallest number you can form from the digits 03418 is 10348.
12345 but if you can use a decimal, then 0.1234 would be the smallest possible number.
It is 0.123459
The smallest number that someone can get using the 91764 digits is 14679. The secret is to arrange the digits from the least number to their greatest number.
102 is the smallest three digit number with different digits.
smallest 8 digit number with three different digits