but if you can use a decimal, then 0.1234 would be the smallest possible number.
Two versions of this question have been merged ... the one that asks forthe smallest 5-digit number, and the one that asks for the largest.If we're talking integers (whole numbers), then-- the largest 5-digit number with no repeating digits is 98,765 .-- the smallest one is 10,234 .-- If decimals are included, then the largest number is the same,but the smallest one is .01234 .
0.1 is the smallest positive number with 2 digits and a decimal point. without a decimal point the smallest is 10.
Including the leading zero, the smallest number you can make from the digits 03418 is 01348. Without the leading zero in the ten thousands column, the smallest number you can form from the digits 03418 is 10348.
It is 0.123459
A repeating decimal is a number expressed in decimal form in which, after a finite number of miscellaneous digits, the number continues with a string of a finite number of digits which repeats itself without end.
Two versions of this question have been merged ... the one that asks forthe smallest 5-digit number, and the one that asks for the largest.If we're talking integers (whole numbers), then-- the largest 5-digit number with no repeating digits is 98,765 .-- the smallest one is 10,234 .-- If decimals are included, then the largest number is the same,but the smallest one is .01234 .
The number is 9875.
A repeating decimal is a rational number. Its value is(the repeating set of digits)/(as many 9s as there are digits above).