9 hundredths
Absolute value of -9/14 is 9/14.
9 tenths
9 units or 9 ones - which is 9.
Negative 10 because the absolute value of a number is the positive and negative form of that number. For example: The absolute value of 9 is positive 9 and negative 9. Therefore, it would be greater than the absolute value of any number below it.
The phone number of the Madisonville is: 513-369-6029.
The phone number of the Payette Public is: 208-642-6029.
The face value of any number is equal to the number itself. Therefore, the face value of the 9 in the number 43943 is 9.
The phone number of the Color Me Empowered is: 214-826-6029.
The absolute value is the distance the number is from 0. Basically, you take the positive value of the number inside the lines. Ex. |-9| = 9, and |9| = 9.
The value of the digit 9 in the number 3.093 is nine hundredths.
The phone number of the Williamson Public Library is: 304-235-6029.
In the number 49, the value of the digit 9 is 9 units. In the decimal numbering system, each digit's value is determined by its position from the right, starting at 0. Therefore, the digit 9 in the number 49 holds a value of 9 units.
The absolute value of 9 is 9. the absolute value makes a number positive |9| 9 is already positive.
3.94 and the value of 9 is 9/10
The 9 in that number is in the tenths spot, which means that it has the value 0.9.