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Weight = {(3.1416 (0.025)^2) / 4 }* 7850 kg/m^3 * 1m = 3.85336 kg/.

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Q: What is the weight of 25 mm diameter reinforcing bar per meter?
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What is the weight of 25mm diameter steel bar per meter?

Type your answer here... 3.85

What is the formula to calculate steel tmt bar weight per meter sow with example?

Formula for steel bar weight per meter = D2/162 where D is diameter of bar

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Weight of MS Round Bar is calculated as ((Diameter in mm)^2)/162.

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DxD/162 this is the formula for finding unit weight of steel

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Extreme Steel bar is known as re-bar ( Reinforcing Bar), with two longitudinal and transverse ribs on the diameter of Bar.

What is the weight of 1meter length of 10mm sariea?

The weight of 1 meter length of 10mm diameter Saria (steel reinforcement bar) can vary depending on the density of steel used and the specific composition of the Saria. On average, a 1 meter length of 10mm diameter steel bar would weigh approximately 0.6-0.8 kilograms. It's best to refer to the manufacturer's specifications for precise weight information.

What is the weight of 20mm diameter steel bar per meter?

=D^((D^2/162) L) D^2 = Diameter of the rod L = Length of the rod

How many kg is iron bar?

The weight of an iron bar can vary depending on its dimensions and density. However, a common estimate for a standard iron bar is around 7.85 kg per meter in length for a bar with a diameter of 25 mm.