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A pair of two points (2D) or 3 points (3D) written as (x,y) or (x,y,z).

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9y ago

Equations are used to graph points on the Cartesian Co-ordinate graph. The points are listed as x=? and y=?.

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Q: What is used to locate and graph points in the Cartesian Coordinate System?
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What is a two dimensional figure made of points that lie in the same plane?

Cartesian coordinate system

Cartesian coordiate coordinate system?

What it looks like: The cartesian coordinate plane is a virtical line (the y axis) running through a horizontal line (the x axis). It forms a cross which divides the grid that it's placed on into four quadrants. The quadrants are labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4, in counter clockwise direction, starting in the upper right corner. The point where the x and y axis meet, (0,0) is called the origin. You can graph points on the line by counting the amount f points in the first number of the coordinate (x) on the x axis, and then the second on the y. for example the coordinate (1,2) would be one space to the right and two up. Here's a URL for a picture of it. it's used for: You use the coordinate plane to graph points, line (a collection of consxutive points), or a functions (an eqaution leading to a set of points or a set of points both of which don't have the same x coordinate [basically, if you run a vertical line through whatever shape or collection of points you have, and it doesn't touch any two points at the same time, it's a function.])

How does a Cartesian coordinate system look like?

The cartesian coordinate plane is a virtical line (the y axis) running through a horizontal line (the x axis). It forms a cross which divides the grid that it's placed on into four quadrants. The quadrants are labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4, in counter clockwise direction, starting in the upper right corner. The point where the x and y axis meet, (0,0) is called the origin. You can graph points on the line by counting the amount f points in the first number of the coordinate (x) on the x axis, and then the second on the y. for example the coordinate (1,2) would be one space to the right and two up. Here's a URL for a picture of it.

A coordinate system allows one to describe points using?

both x and y coordinates *apex*

What are the uses of plotting points in cartesian plane?

They are the coordinates of x and y to plot out straight lines or curves on the Cartesian plane

Related questions

What are used to locate and graph points in the Cartesian coordinate system?

Coordinants. If you're looking for an answer with 12 letters good luck..

The Cartesian coordinate system describes points on the?

It describes points on a plane.

What can be graphed as a point or set of points?

Cartesian coordinate system

How do you calculate cartesian coordinate system?

cartesian coordinate isn't a system. the graphs you put on the cartesian coordinate plane can be systems. these graphs can be anything you want them to be. and they are calculate different every time. the thing to remember about cartesian coordinate planes is the you plot the points of (x,y)

What system allows the representation and naming of points in a two dimensional plane?

Cartesian Coordinate System

What system allows the representation and naming of points in a two-dimensional plane?

cartesian coordinate system

What is used to locate points x y in the coordinate plane?

It is the straight line equation that can be used to locate coordinates of x and y on the Cartesian plane

What is a two dimensional figure made of points that lie in the same plane?

Cartesian coordinate system

Ordered pairs located in the first quadrant of a Cartesian coordinate system have?

Points located in the first quadrant of a Cartesian coordinate system have both coordinates ('x' and 'y') positive, i.e. equal to or greater than zero.

What is a pair of numbers used to locate a point on a coordinate plane?

Why are two numbers necessary to locate points on a coordinate plane?

What is the difference between the cartesian and coordinate plane?

points of co-ordinates plane are represent by cartesian

What french mathematician first published the idea of associating pairs of numbers with points in a plane to form a coordinate plane?

René Descartes If you recall this system is called the Cartesian Coordinate system.