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both x and y coordinates


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Q: A coordinate system allows one to describe points using?
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What system do mathematicians use to describe the exact location of points?

Coordinate system

Mathematicians use what system to describe the exact location of points?


Mathematicians use what kind of system to describe the exact location of points?


What system allows the representation and naming of points in a two dimensional plane?

Cartesian Coordinate System

What system allows the representation and naming of points in a two-dimensional plane?

cartesian coordinate system

How important are the reference points in a coordinate system?

If the reference points are not correct, the location of any coordinate will be incorrect.

The Cartesian coordinate system describes points on the?

It describes points on a plane.

What can be graphed as a point or set of points?

Cartesian coordinate system

What are the names of the points on a coordinate system?

the point with coordinates (-5,3) can be graphed on the _____coordinate system

Uses of cartesian coordinate system?

The Cartesian coordinate system allows a geometric curve to be described in algebraic terms. This then allows the use of algebraic tools including differentiation and integration to be used to solve geometric problems such as the turning points of curves, their volumes of rotation and so on. It also enables geometric methods to be applied to solving algebraic problems.

A network of lines used for locating points?

A network of lines used for locating points is called a coordinate system. Coordinate systems provide a reference framework that allows us to precisely define the position of points in space. Common examples include Cartesian coordinates (x, y), polar coordinates (r, θ), and geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude).

A point in a coordinate system with integer coordinates?

Points with integer coordinates are often called lattice points. Lattices exist in all dimensions.When we talk about lattices points on the rectangular Cartesian coordinate system, this is a two dimensional lattice. Three dimensional lattice points are often used to study crystals.