It is called a variable. x is the most used variable.
X + x = x x.x=x
Well, Algebra usually goes through each lesson slower, and has less complicated problems to solve. Honors Algebra usually goes through each lesson faster and has more complicated problems to solve. Examples: Algebra--- x(6+1)=21 x=3 Honor's Algebra--- x(6*10)- -12+2=?
The answer to the equation y x - x a would be x(y-1). When letters are used in a math expression, this is a form of math called Pre-Algebra or Algebra.
It is called a variable. x is the most used variable.
Algebra- Eg. x = Pie and Ect
That is called "algebra".That is called "algebra".That is called "algebra".That is called "algebra".
In algebra, x is the unknown for which you need the value.
In algebra we consider x,y and z are variables.
Algebra is using variables such as x to solve a problem. One example is x+3=8 in which x equals 5.
Most likely it is called BOOLEAN ALGEBRA I.
x is the unknown number in algebra