It is bigger
you look at the number closest to the decimal point, in that case, 0.5 would be bigger.
because the denominator is a bigger number so it is called improper because the denominator is a bigger number so it is called improper
When the number is greater
If the decimal is positive, than a negative number is less than 0.
954 - 513 - 0102 = 339
The phone number of the Olson House is: 207-354-0102.
The phone number of the Ellsinore Pioneer Museum is: 573-322-0102.
.025 is thicker than .012
what gauge is .012"?
The phone number of the M. R. Davis Public Library is: 662-342-0102.
012 = 12 = 1200%
If it's an even number, two is a factor of it.
Lillipup is number 012 in the Unova Pokedex, and 505 in the National.
As an example if your number in Malaysia is 012 123 1234 International: +60 12 - 123 1234 Local: 012 - 123 1234 As you notice in Malaysia the - (minus) sign is after the prefix and not as a separator of the number as it is practised in USA.