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Q: What number system does boolean algebra use?
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What are the uses of Boolean algebra?

One use of Boolean algebra is to minimize any function or logic gate.

Was anybody involved in the Boolean algebra?

George Boole, the creator of Boolean Algebra, the creators of computers, and all of us that have even once used computers; computers use Boolean Algebra for truth values, making logic circuits.

Why do people use double ampersands?

In Electrical and Computer Engineering there is a particular kind of mathematics dealing with "logical expressions." This math is usually referred to as Boolean Algebra, the && represents the logical AND gate. This operator is used to compare two values (usually in binary algebra, which is Boolean Algebra on a base 2 number system, such as binary (the language of electronics and computers), a system with only 1 and 0 as possible values; or Boolean using true and false), an expression will be true only when both values are both true. i.e.: Will use Boolean for this system (only true or false are possible values). If we have an expression such as: y = a && b; whereas y, a, and b are variables which can equal only 0 (false) or 1 (true). You have these possible outcome combinations: | y | a | b | | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 0 | 0 | 1 | | 0 | 1 | 0 | | 0 | 1 | 1 |

Which type of writing is best illustrated in a Venn diagram?

Venn diagrams are often use to illustrate boolean algebra.

What is the objective of using boolean algebra in the study of digital compute?

It allows you to avoid the unnecessary use of excessive logic gates by simplifying.

What is logic 0 and logic 1?

Logic 0 and logic 1 are the two states in digital (or binary) logic. A binary numbering system has but two numbers: 0 and 1. In contrast, we use a decimal system with 10 numbers: 0 to 9. The area of algebra that addresses binary (2-state) logic is called Boolean. In Boolean a logic 0 may be refered to as 'low', 'off' or 'false'; a logic 1 as 'high', 'on' or 'true'. Boolean logic is the foundation of digital electronics.

What did Muslims use algebra for?

Muslims were so advanced at math because they were the people to figure out shapes and our number system ~Kaylana~

Why do you use standard form in algebra?

You use standard form in algebra because you have to know the number before you answer the problem

How do you create algebraic number puzzles?

You use algebra.

In algebra you can use notation to express the idea that salary depends on the number of hours of training?

In algebra you can use notation to express the idea that salary depends on the number of hours of training in a function.

What is a Boolean condition?

A boolean is a value which can either be true or false. A boolean condition is mathematical equation where the result is a boolean (either true or false). Often used in programming.A boolean condition consists of some varibles, and boolean operations that can be carried out using them. Here are some boolean operations. The sybols are those used in Java and C++.> Greater Than. Returns true when the number before > is greater than the number after< Less Than. The opposite of Greater than== Equals. If the values are equal returns trueOR Returns true if the boolean before and/or the boolean after is true&& AND Returns true only if the boolean before AND after the && are true! NOT Inverts/NOT's a boolean. True becomes false. False becomes trueMost programming languages have booleans as a type of variable and if statements as control flow.An if statement uses a boolean to decide whether or not something is run eg.if(someBoolean){// If some boolean is true this peice of code will be run}A an example of a boolean condition could use a less than or greater than symbolif( someNumber > 9000 ) {print( "The number... it's.... OVER 9000!!" );}

How do you do boolean algebra?

It is used in science and proofs of proofs in maths, taking an example: Hypothesis: Bananas are red. (There exists) x x (is an element of) Red (and) Banana Banana (implies) Red (not) Red (implies) (not) Banana If a yellow banana is found, (There exists) y y(is an element of)Banana (therefore) y(is an element of) Red There is a contradiction, as the banana must be red, but it is yellow. The above is not the only use, but Boolean algebra exclusively contains symbols of (not), (and), and (or).