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Will try elimination here.

2X - 7Y = 0

- 2(X - 6Y = - 5)

2X - 7Y = 0

- 2X + 12Y = 10


5Y = 10

Y = 2

---------- find X ( second equation will do )

X - 6(2) = - 5

X - 12 = - 5

X = 7

-------------check both equations for consistancy

2(7) - 7(2) = 0

14 - 14 = 0

0 = 0

----------------first equation checks

7 - 6(2) = - 5

7 - 12 = - 5

- 5 = - 5

---------------------------both check and are consistent

(7, 2)

------------------ordered pair

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