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Air friction, road friction and mechanical friction.

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Q: What prevents a moving bike from coasting forever in a straight line?
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What is negative bearing?

a bearing is the angle from north moving clockwise 360 degrees a negative bearing is moving counterclockwise from north

Why is 1 the denominator of a unit rate?

There's no proper reason. It was defined as such. Taking 1 as the denominator we can compare between two things easily like:Two trains are moving with following parametersFirst moving 500 km in 7 hrSecond moving 450 km in 6 hrWe have to determine who is faster... Now at unit (means one) hourFirst train is moving (500/7)=71.42 km per hourSecond train is moving (450/6)=75 km per hourSo clearly we can say that the 2nd train is faster.

How do you solve for the rate of change in algebra?

The rate of change is often with respect to time t. suppose that d denotes the displacement of a particle, at time t, then you can find the speed with this formula:d=rt, then to solve for r we divide both sides by t and have d/t=rIn mathematics, it is useful to distinguish between velocity and speed. First, when considering motion of a particle in a straight line, specify a positive direction so that it is a directed line. Then the velocity of the particle is positive if it is moving in a positive direction and negative if it is moving in a negative direction. The speed of the particle is the absolute value of its velocity. In more advanced work, when the velocity is a vector v, the speed is the magnitude |v| of the velocity.

How do you calculate distance from speed of vehicle?

Speed X journey time. (Time actually moving).

The speed of a moving walkway is typically about 2.5 feet per second?

A moving walkway is something that is used to help people move more quickly between points. They generally move at a speed of 2.5 feet per second, which makes them easy to get on and off of.

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Newton's 1st law of motion states that a moving object will go in a straight line unless an outside force changes this motion What outside force prevents the planets from moving in a straight line in?

It's not that there is some force keeping the planets from falling into the sun; the sun's gravity prevents the planets from travelling in a straight line out of the solar system. If you throw a ball in a straight line then it keeps going, but if you throw a ball on a rope tied to a pole then the rope pulls the ball toward the pole and keeps the ball moving in a circle.

What prevents the diver from moving in a straight line once she jumps from the platform?

If there is any horizontal component to the diver's velocity, then that will cause a parabolic path instead of a straight line fall due to gravity.

What prevents a diver from moving in a straight line once she jumps from the platform?

If there is any horizontal component to the diver's velocity, then that will cause a parabolic path instead of a straight line fall due to gravity.

How does a centripetal force keep an object moving in a circle?

A centripetal force acts towards the center of the circle, continually changing the object's direction towards the center. This force prevents the object from moving in a straight line and keeps it moving in a circular path.

What are the of friction?

prevents slippingstoppingh vechialscontrols moving

What is the muscle that prevents bone from moving?


What is moving?

Moving directly straight either horizontally or vertically. As if walking on a straight line.

What prevents people from moving from place to place?


What friction prevents an moving object?

static friction

What are the use of friction?

prevents slippingstoppingh vechialscontrols moving

What is the difference between clutch control and coasting?

Is clutch control using the accelerator and simultaneously using the clutch to control the speed of the car and coasting is when your car is still moving but your foot is off the gas peddle completely but you're of the clutch peddle to slow down????

What is stopping the Sahara Desert from moving west?

The Atlantic Ocean prevents the Sahara from moving west.