

What real numbers to the 4 power equal 1?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What real numbers to the 4 power equal 1?
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If you raise 2 to an infinite power, you get a higher-order infinity. It is still infinity, but a larger number. For example, 2 to the power beth-0 is equal to beth-1; 2 to the power beth-1 is equal to beth-2, etc. Beth-0 is the infinity of counting numbers and integers, beth-1 is the infinity of real numbers, and with beth-2, it gets a bit hard to visualize. Among other things, beth-2 is the infinity of all possible functions over real numbers.

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This is equal to 1. On the Wikipedia page for imaginary numbers, they have a table, but here is a summary for in: n value of i^n -- ------ -4, 1 -3, i -2, -1 -1, -i 0, 1 1, i 2, -1 3, -i 4, 1 Notice there is a repeating pattern.

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There is no pair of real numbers or pure imaginary numbers that can do that.The pair that can is the conjugate pair of complex numbers [ 1/2 ± 1/2 sqrt(79) i ] .

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Yes, -1 and 1 are real numbers. Real numbers consist of irrational numbers, rational numbers and integers.

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There are no 'real' numbers that can do that. The numbers are 3 + j sqrt(3) and 3 - j sqrt(3). ( ' j ' is the square root of negative 1 )

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