In many mathematical applications letters represent quantities that are being solved for and that are not initially known. There are also applications in computer science where calculations have to be made using math in base other than ten. For example hexadecimal numbers are sometimes used to locate a spot in a system dump in order to troubleshoot a problem. In hex arithmetic, letters A through F could represent 10 through 15, the number 10 equaling 16.
Math uses letters to indicate that specific numbers are not known or as an abbreviation for certain constant.
Literal numbers are the letters which are used to represent a number.
The Morse code
words and Well if you mean letters in math then they are pro numerals, which are used in algebra to represent numbers. Words in maths may represent numbers also, otherwise i am unsure
It is algebra that uses letters to represent numbers and also Roman numerals.
They can represent values in cells. They also can represent columns (letters) and rows (numbers).
Math uses letters to indicate that specific numbers are not known or as an abbreviation for certain constant.
Literal numbers are the letters which are used to represent a number.
No, they do not. Although it is using letters to represent numbers, Roman numbers are fixed symbols, unlike letters in algebra which represent variables.
If the letters represent unknowns they are usually called variable.
represent the letters with numbers
There are many different systems of using numbers to represent letters. Binary is commonly used.
How about: VI-I-MMXIII which are letters that represent numbers