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Q: What value of 1 is represented by a d orbital?
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Related questions

What is the maximum value that m can have for a 3d orbital?

For the d orbital, the value of l is 2 and the value of ml is - l to + l, so the values of ml would be -2, -1, 0, +1, +2. So, the maximum value would be +2.

What is vacant d orbital?

vacant d orbital means an empty d orbital. For example, in nitrogen a d orbital is not allowed whereas in phosphorus a vacant d orbital is present.

What is a d orbital?

The d block is an orbital. The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are the energy levels, and the orbitals are the subsections of these (s, p, d, f).Hope this is a good enough answer!

What are the possible values of ml for an electron in a d orbital?

2,1,0,-1,-2 are the possible values of ml for an electron in d orbital.

What orbital is represented by the transition metals in period 4?

The valence electrons are added to d orbitals in the case of transition metals (or d block elements).

The numerical values of the magnetic quantum number m1 depends on the?

The values of the magnetic quantum number depend on the value of the azimuthal quantum number (orbital angular momentum quantum number) and has values -l, .. 0 . ..+l l=1, p orbital, -1, 0, +1 - three p orbitals l=2 d orbital -2, -1, 0., +1,+2 five d orbitals etc.

What will be the value of magnetic quantum number if the value of azimuthal quantum number is given to you?

-l to l, so given l=2 (d orbital) the values for ml will be -2, -1, 0, +1, +2

What is d orbital?

The d orbital is the orbital that only applies to the 3rd orbital and up and it contains 10 electrons.

What is diffrenec between inner orbital and outer orbital complex?

If inner d orbital is involved in hybridization, it is called inner d orbital complex. and if outer d orbital is involved in hybridization then it is called 'outer d orbital complex'.

What is typical transition metal?

Typical transition elements are those elements in which d orbital is in the process of completion.d orbital can occupy 10 electrons. if in any element d orbital contain less than 10 electron it means it has incomplete d orbital and d orbital is in the process of completion. for example Sc has electronic configuration 3d1 4s2. it has 1 e in d orbital. so Sc is typical transition elements.

What atom is represented in the following orbital diagram 1s2s2p?

The next highest energy electron orbital after 3p is the 4s orbital, after which comes the 3d and then 4p orbitals.

How many orbitals are in d orbital orbital?
