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The dependent variable.

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Q: What variable is affected by the independent variables?
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Related questions

What is a independent varriable?

an independent variable is a term in science and it is not affected by other variables and can be changed in an experiment.

What is a varriables?

an independent variable is a term in science and it is not affected by other variables and can be changed in an experiment.

How do the test variables (independent variables) and outcome variables (dependent variables) in an experiment compare?

The test variable (independent variable) controls the outcome variable (dependent variable).

What are the independent dependent and control variables?

The independent variable is the thing you are changing/varying. The dependent variable is the thing you are measuring. This variable should be affected by the independent variable. Control variables are anything that must be kept constant. If there are any other factors which affect the dependent variable, then these need to be controlled so that they do not have any significant effect (basically ensuring that you are actually measuring the effects of the independent variable).

What is another name for independent variable?

independent variable called also predictor variables,explanatory variables,manipulated variables etc.

What is the variable is the part of the experiment that affected by the independent variable?

The dependent variable is affected by the independent variable. Is that what you were looking for?

What variable is a condition in an experiment that gets affected by the independent variable?

The dependant variable is affected by the independent variable

Variables that do not change in a experiment?

the dependant variable

What are the definition between indeoendent and dependent variables?

The independent variable determines the value of other variables and is change by the person doing the experiment. The dependent variable is what is affected by the independent variable; it "depends" on the independent variable.

What are the different variables during an experiment?

categorical variablesquantitative variablesordinal variablesthere are more common ones like...Controlled/constant variable-Variables that do not change at all!Manipulated/independent variable-Variables that change (intentionally) in order to see their effect on another variable.Responding/depending variable-Is measured quantitatively or qualitatively and is affected by the independent variables.Hope this helps.

The difference between the independent and dependent variables?

Independent variables are variables that can be changed in an experiment, while dependent variables are variables that change as a result of an experiment. In other words, independent variables are what you change, and dependent variables are the results of the experiment.

In an experimental investigation the variable that the researcher changes or manipulates in order to see its effects is called the?

Independent variable, is variable that the experimenter manipulates