.25 doesn't represent a whole number. It is a rational number equivalent to one fourth (1/4). If you mean how do you represent .25 as the QUOTIENT of two whole numbers then the answer is 1/4.
The missing number - is 25.
because there is no whole number when multiplied by itself that gives 20. 25 is a square number because 5 x 5 = 25
x2 = -25 There exists no real number for which this is true, so we must use imaginary numbers... x = 5i
52 = 25
The number is 5.
As a whole number, you can write 25 percent as 25%. As a part of a whole number, you'd write 25% of it as .25% or one quarter -- 1/4, of the whole number.
5 because 52 = 25 and 53 = 125
Let's call the number x. x-25=-51. Add 25 to both sides. You get x=-26. The number is negative 26.
No, not all whole numbers are 25, but 25 is a whole number.
25 is already a whole number.