Algebra is a type of math that uses both numbers and letters (variables) to achieve the answer. Some words that would describe algebra could be; logical, precise, confusing, complicated and rigorous.
the coefficient
Trasnlate m + b into words for algebra
As by "who" i assume you mean what profession. Algebra is used a lot in banking, economics, and doctors who need formulas. But overall algebra is mostly used by college leveled advanced algebra teachers.
Algebra is used to help determine distances in time, or places
Algebra is used in lots of differant ways in everyday life because it's maths.
The roster method represents a set of something. In algebra, the roster method is used to describe a simpler set that is difficult to describe.
the coefficient
There are no distinct algebra words beginning with W. The term whole numbers can be used with some algebraic expressions.
In algebra, x is the unknown for which you need the value.
innocent and sensitive towards his surroundings are the words that can be used to describe Nwoye from the nove "Things Fall Apart"
Durable, solid, hard, and natural are words commonly used to describe rock.
an odour
Adjectives are words used to describe a noun.Some adjectives that describe food are:attractivebadcolddeliciousgoodhotlovelysaltyscrumptioussoothingspicysweettastyyummy