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Supply is low, demand is high, and the product is priced high.

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10y ago

People will buy the product from other companies that make it and the company in the question will probably go bust.

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Q: When a company produces a small quantity of a product and a large number of people want to purchase the product what is true?
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Which example represents a positive correlation?

Demand and quantity sold is an example of positive correlation. As the number of people in demand of a product increases, the quantity sold of that product also increases.

Is there a stock ticker for wolfram alpha?

No for 2 reasons:1. Wolfram Alpha is a product, not a business2. Wolfram Research, the company that produces Wolfram Alpha, is privately held.

What expressions represents the product of 3 less than twice x and 2 more than the quantity 3 times x?

Three less than twice x is 2x-3.Two more than the quantity 3 times x is 3x + 2.The product of these is (2x-3)(3x+2), which can also be written as:(6x2 - 5x - 6)

What are the properties of a dot product?

In mathematics, the dot product is an algebraic operation that takes two equal-length sequences of numbers (usually vectors) and returns a single number obtained by multiplying corresponding entries and adding up those products. The name is derived from the interpunct "●" that is often used to designate this operation; the alternative name scalar product emphasizes the scalar result, rather than a vector result.The principal use of this product is the inner product in a Euclidean vector space: when two vectors are expressed in an Orthonormal basis, the dot product of their coordinate vectors gives their inner product. For this geometric interpretation, scalars must be taken to be Real. The dot product can be defined in a more general field, for instance the complex number field, but many properties would be different. In three dimensional space, the dot product contrasts with the cross product, which produces a vector as result.

What is price shading?

One way to increase company sales is to allow salespeople to offer discounts on the product's price. This tactic, known as price shading, is normally used with aggressive buyers in industrial markets.

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When a company produces a large quantity of a product but not many people purchase the product is true?

When a company produces a large quantity of a product but not many people purchase the product the supply is high, demand is low, and the product is priced low.

What happens when a company produces a small quantity of a product and a large number of people want to purchase the product?

When a company produces a small quantity of a product and a large number of people want to purchase the product, the demand will cause the price of the product to go up.

When a company produces a small quantity of a product and a large number of people want to purchase the product what happens?

When a company produces a small quantity of a product and a large number of people want to purchase the product, the demand will cause the price of the product to go up.

When a company produces a small quantity of product and a large number of people want to purchase the product what is true?

Supply is low, demand is high, and the product is priced high.

When a company produces a small quantity of a product and a large number of people want to purchase the product, which of the following is true?

Supply is low, demand is high, and the product is priced high.

When a company produces a small quantity of a product and a large number of people want to purchase the product is true?

Supply is low, demand is high, and the product is priced high. What is the point in learning the crap?

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The equilibrium price is the price at which consumers will purchase the same quantity of a product that suppliers will produce.

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