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Q: When is it better to have the quadratic function in vertex form instead of standard form?
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What is better 16M all at once or 1.3M for 20 year Why?

1.3 for 20 years. because you get a total amount of 26M instead of 16M

Is it 'You are better than I' or 'You are better than me?

One view:It really isn't that hard to remember the answer to this question. Think about how you could say "You are better than I am." It would not make sense if you were to say "You are better than me am." Therefore the answer to this question is "You are better than I."Another way to think of this is at the beginning of the sentence "I am better than you" it says "I"not "me" so if you turn that sentence backwards it would be "You are better than I" not "You are better than me."Another view:In modern day English, it is acceptable to say "You are better than me." The "than I" version is archaic, and might be okay in a very formal context, but not colloquially. A rule that describes modern English is that you use the subject forms of the pronouns (i.e., "I", "he", "we", and so on) as the unconjoined subject of an explicit finite verb, but elsewhere you use the object forms (i.e., "me", "him", "us", and so on). This view considers "than" to function like a preposition (just as you say "before me" but "before I do").

Why would you use median instead of mean?

You would use median instead of mean because the median doesn't find the average, it finds the middle value. Even if its not the middle of the range (the exact middle value between the lowest number and the highest number) it still is near to the middle value. The mean finds the average of all the numbers, like when a teacher average's her students' grades. Median is better to use when finding the middle value, not the average.

Are women half better or better half?

Women are Better half

What is better the best or the greatest?

The best is way better.

Related questions

Why is it better to have the quadratic function in vertex form instead of standard form?

If you want to graph the function, it is quite easy: y=a(x-h)2-k . . . you can plot the vertex (h,k); the 'a' tells you how wide or narrow the u-shape is, and whether it opens up or down.

There are some instances where it is better to factor a polynomial without first putting it in standard form One example is a quadratic equation that in nonstandard form contains a perfect tr?

Square :)

Why do we need the quadratic mean How is it better than the average mean?

The quadratic mean is a measure of the spread of values about their arithmetic mean. By definition, the arithmetic mean of the differences will be zero and so adds no information. Another measure is required and that is the quadratic mean.

What is quadratic probing in data structure?

Quadratic probing is a scheme in computer programming for resolving collisions in hash tables. Quadratic probing operates by taking the original hash value and adding successive values of an arbitrary quadratic polynomial to the starting value. This algorithm is used in open-addressed hash tables. Quadratic probing provides good memory caching because it preserves some locality of reference; however, linear probing has greater locality and, thus, better cache performance. Quadratic probing better avoids the clustering problem that can occur with linear probing, although it is not immune.

Is there a possibility solar panel planes could be used instead of regular planes?

yes there is in fact that would be alot better than using standard planes.

When do you use the word conversate?

"Conversate" is considered non-standard English and is not commonly used in formal writing or speech. It is better to use the word "converse" instead, which is the standard term for engaging in conversation.

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Roller rocker arms perform the same function as standard rocker arms. Mainly, they are the mechanical link between the push rod and the valves. Roller rockers are better because they have a cylindrical roller that reduces noise and friction instead of simply having a flat spot directly contacting the top of the valve.

Is the phrase more better grammatically correct?

No, the phrase "more better" is not grammatically correct. "Better" already indicates a comparative degree, so adding "more" before it is redundant and incorrect in standard English grammar.

What graphs are used when trying to find trends in data?

Scatter graphs. Line graphs may be used at a later stage when there is a better idea of the general shape of the line - whether it is a straight line, a quadratic curve, a logarithmic or exponential curve etc, or one of the standard probability distributions.

Is factoring better than quadratic formula?

It's much faster in most cases; however, factoring is not always possible.

Is sweared a word?

No, but the word does mean that.

Why is standard deviation better than variance?

Better for what? Standard deviation is used for some calculatoins, variance for others.