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Scatter graphs.

Line graphs may be used at a later stage when there is a better idea of the general shape of the line - whether it is a straight line, a quadratic curve, a logarithmic or exponential curve etc, or one of the standard probability distributions.

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Q: What graphs are used when trying to find trends in data?
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Do graphs make it hard to find the main point of some data?

Only if they are badly presented graphs or if the person viewing them is not a visual person.

Why are data oraganized into tables and graphs?

Tables and graphs are used to present data in an easier to view and analyze format.

Why are graphs and charts important to analyze data?

Many people find it easier to take in information when it is presented in visual form. Graphs and charts are often not much use for the actual analyses but may help suggest the sort of analyses that should be carried out.

Where can you find line graphs?

In a graph

What is the one way of presenting data?

There is no one way of presenting data. There are good ways and there are bad ways. You must consider the nature of the data to decide the best way of presenting it. Consider that the famous nurse Florence Nightingale is credited with the first use of "pie charts" to illustrate medical data to non-medical persons. Human beings are very "visual" in nature, so choose the way of presenting data that gives the best impression of the principle you are trying to convey. Pie charts are best for presenting percentages, while line graphs are best for presenting trends, while raw numerical data may be best presented in a table with one quantity ascending/descending in value in the leftmost column. If using computer software such as Excel to present data, you will find a number of choices available in the Chart Wizard which allow you to provide the best visualization.

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What is the meaning of charts and graphs in scientific experiments?

Charts and graphs are used to organize and present data from an experiment in a visual format. They produce a visual representation of the data that can be quicker and easier for a reader to interpret. Graphs may also help to indicate patterns and trends or point out other properties of a set of data. They often help to make better sense of a table full of numbers.

What is the purpose of using graphs?

to interpret, and analyse data. to be able to see it clearly, with graphs you can find out important facts about the data you collected and use what you know to improve or change something.

Where can one find a graph of historic PC sales data?

One can find graphs of historic PC sales data on Google Images where it has different images of graphs that represent the different sales of PCs. One can also find it on Statistics Brain.

Do graphs make it hard to find the main point of some data?

Only if they are badly presented graphs or if the person viewing them is not a visual person.

Why are data oraganized into tables and graphs?

Tables and graphs are used to present data in an easier to view and analyze format.

How do graphs help you analyze data?

it helps keep stuff in order so you can find the answer easier !

How is data represented in statistics?

Data in statistics is typically represented in numerical form, such as through charts, tables, or graphs. It can also be described using measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and measures of dispersion (range, variance, standard deviation). Data is used to generate insights, test hypotheses, and make informed decisions.

Where can you find graphs at?

you may find graphs on google. type in images of graphs and it will come up.

What is the purpose of a tool that monitors trends?

The purpose of a tool that monitors trends is to locate specific trends in areas. It is also to locate patterns among the trends. By doing so, scientists or analysts can find something similar among the trends and use that as data for their research.

How do geographers use climate graphs and population pyramids?

Geographers use climate graphs to show the average temperature and precipitation patterns of a specific region over a period of time. This helps them analyze the climate characteristics of a place. Population pyramids are used to display the age and gender distribution of a population, providing insights into demographic trends such as birth rates, life expectancy, and population growth.

What does analyzing data in graphs and charts allows you to do?

hi I'm Robert the answer to this question is that when scientists collect data they are often trying to find out whether certain factors changed or rein the same. Often, the simplest way to do that is to record the data in a table and then make a graph. Although you may be able to detect a pattern of change from a data table. One way to record data from an experiment is by using a data table. Then, the data may be plotted on a graph to make it easier to interpret.