The Y is a consonant for its general pronunciation, which is when Y starts a word, the Y starts a syllable or the following letter of Y is a vowel. If the Y ends a word, it's somewhere inside a syllable or inside a syllable intervention, especially without a surrounding vowel in one syllable like "byte", or if the following letter of Y is a consonant, then that's when Y becomes a vowel. If the following letter is a consonant, the reason why Y would become a vowel is because Y can't be a consonant blend. However, Y is not a vowel for its general pronunciation nor in the phonetic alphabets.
(y * x) - y = y * (x - 1)
y² - y all depends on the value of y. If you want to factor the expression, then we have y(y - 1)
y times y times y (or y3)
If Y and y are the same, then it is -y + 4 or 4 - y.
1 - y^(3)= 1^(3) - (3) = This factors to (1 - y)(1^(2) + y + y^(2)) More simply written as ( 1 - y)(1 + y + y^(2))
A constanant is a letter that is not a vowel. Vowels: a,e,i,o,u and somtimes y
There are 3 vowels.
I think that Y is always a vowel because it's sound "yuh" sounds like a consonant but when you drag it out it's just "ee-uh". The letter y just means you need to say that sound really fast so it sounds like a consonant. Still, the rule for vowels is A-E-I-O-U and sometimes Y, so I guess in this case it would be considered a consonant. In papaya though it's a constanant only because it is used as a constanant in the sylable going pa-pa-ya leaving it to recall "Y".
hey u r stupid
same as in english. but also three funny vovels= å ,ä,ö
A constanant in a scientific experient never changes (it always stays the same) while a variable changes for example: if your doing a project where your trying to find out if temperature affects how well a plant grows 1. the constant is how much you water the plants; types of plants in the experent; sunlight; shade 2. the variable is temperature ONLY CHANGE ONE VARIABLE AT A TIME!
hehghfgvffjghgffgh97b74e654ge67trfejbfejgwe2grg25w6g2w 3g2w g2wg23g23wg2w32gger5gerg443 4465g4er56g4g4g4g ggtgogk rttgrptkoggrtgr65t6r5rt g4r64tgr4tgtr tg5t4g5g45g g54tg6r4tg 54g65gr654gd5g4fg65ty8tg5687gh5ggh865gh8774t987yhjt9y87jt897jt87j987jt987j98t7j r4h6r4thrh4r634h4h 8h79r9r88t+8h8h98+ d6t4gr6g4r66rgt6r34gr Terry yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy iguegeuey yyyyyyyyyyy yyy yyyy yyyy yyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y yy y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y rfrhgfhfghet57rt748r7wr74r76348r7r6348r5847rtdhcghcb fey7ry78r 6+66696hyhe69ge
means y ????????
The word "an" is used before words that begin with a vowel sound. For example, "an apple" or "an hour." So, you would use "an" instead of "a" when the next word starts with a vowel sound.
(y * x) - y = y * (x - 1)
GCF(Y, Y) = Y.
y = sin(x+y) cos( x + y )[(1 + y')] = y' cos(x + y ) + y'cos(x + y ) = y' y'-y'cos( x+ y) = cos( x + y ) y'[1-cos(x+y)]= cos(x+y) y'= [cos(x+y)]/ [1-cos(x+y)]