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Q: When there is no linear correlation the correlation coefficient equals?
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What is the range of correlation coefficient and what does its value tell?

The product-moment correlation coefficient or PMCC should have a value between -1 and 1. A positive value shows a positive linear correlation, and a negative value shows a negative linear correlation. At zero, there is no linear correlation, and the correlation becomes stronger as the value moves further from 0.

What happens if the correlation coefficient equals 0?

Nothing happens. It simply means that there is no linear relationship between the two variables. It is possible that there is a non-linear relationship or that there is none.

Correlation coefficient value mean?

The correlation coefficient is a measure of linear association between two (or more) variables. It does not measure non-linear relationships nor does it say anything about causality.

What serves as standard of comparison to evaluate effect of the independent variable on dependent variable?

The correlation coefficient, plus graphical methods to verify the validity of a linear relationship (which is what the correlation coefficient measures), and the appropriate tests of the statisitical significance of the correlation coefficient.

What is regression coefficient and correlation coefficient?

The strength of the linear relationship between the two variables in the regression equation is the correlation coefficient, r, and is always a value between -1 and 1, inclusive. The regression coefficient is the slope of the line of the regression equation.

When doing linear regression if the correlation coefficient is positive the slope of the line is negative?


How is a linear relationship between two variables measured in statistics?

The Correlation Coefficient computed from the sample data measures the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables. The symbol for the sample correlation coefficient is r. The symbol for the population correlation is p (Greek letter rho).

What do you know about a linear model from the correlation coefficient?

It's a measure of how well a simple linear model accounts for observed variation.

Can the correlation coefficient be represented as a percentage?

No, the correlation coefficient is a measure of the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables, and it ranges from -1 to 1. It cannot be represented as a percentage.

What is the relationship between correlation coefficient and linear regreassion?

A correlation coefficient is a value between -1 and 1 that shows how close of a good fit the regression line is. For example a regular line has a correlation coefficient of 1. A regression is a best fit and therefore has a correlation coefficient close to one. the closer to one the more accurate the line is to a non regression line.

Does a good correlation have to be positive?

No. If the correlation coefficient is close to 1 or -1, then the two variables have a high degree of statistical linear correlation. See the related link, particularly the graphs which illustrate correlation.

Is -0.0001 a correlation coefficient?

Yes it can be a correlation coefficient.