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Q: When writing a net ionic equation the sum of the chargers for reactant is greater than the sum of chargers for products?
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What is heat included in the equation of an endothermic reaction?

In an endothermic reaction, heat is included as a reactant in the chemical equation to show that the reaction absorbs energy from the surroundings in the form of heat to proceed. The reaction is usually represented as products being greater in energy content than the reactants due to the input of heat.

Looking at a free energy diagram for an equilibrium reaction which of the following scenarios will favor the formation of more reactant?

If the free energy of the reactants is lower than the products in the free energy diagram, then increasing temperature or decreasing pressure will favor the formation of more reactants.

What is the definition of excess reactant?

An excess reactant is a reactant in a chemical reaction that is present in a quantity greater than required for the reaction to take place. It is not completely consumed during the reaction, leaving some of it leftover.

Can the arrow in chemical equation indicate which compounds have greater mass?

No, the arrow in a chemical equation does not indicate which compounds have greater mass. The arrow simply shows the direction of the reaction, from reactants to products. The relative masses of the reactants and products can be determined using the stoichiometry of the balanced chemical equation.

When is b greater than 25 in this equation?

That depends on the equation and the question which have not been given.

0.400mol of octane is allowed to react with 0.800mol of oxygen Which is the limiting reactant?

To determine the limiting reactant, compare the moles of each reactant to the stoichiometry of the balanced. In this case, the balanced equation is: 2 C8H18 + 25 O2 → 16 CO2 + 18 H2O The moles ratio between octane (C8H18) and oxygen (O2) is 2:25. Calculate the ratio for each reactant: Octane: 0.400 mol * (25 mol O2 / 2 mol C8H18) = 5.00 mol O2 needed Oxygen: 0.800 mol O2. Since the actual moles of oxygen available (0.800 mol) are greater than the moles needed for the reaction with octane (5.00 mol), oxygen is in excess and octane is the limiting reactant.

Why amount of reactant and product do not change in reversible reaction?

The amount of reactants and products do not change in reversible reactions because, in a chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed -- it is only rearranged. This is the law of conservation of matter.

What is a excess reagent?

An excess reagent is a reactant that is added in a quantity greater than what is required for a chemical reaction to reach completion. It is used to ensure that the limiting reactant is fully consumed, thus maximizing the yield of the desired product.

What is a equation product greater than 1?

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Why does a reaction proceed faster when the reactants have greater surfaces area?

A greater the surface area will cause the reaction will proceed faster because there are more available sites where another reagent or catalyst can "attack" the reactant.

How is the rate of a reaction affected by reactant surface area?

That there is a bigger area of a solid exposed, so there is a greater chance of collisions causing a reaction.

Is 3x 114 an equation or an inequality?

3x = 114 is an equation because it states that two expressions are equal to each other, whereas an inequality would involve a greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to sign.