

Best Answer

Algebra comes from the Arabic word al-jabr, meaning the reunion of broken parts. The mathematician al-Kawarizimi likened this to restoring what is missing and equating like with like.

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Q: Where does the word algebra come from?
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Were does algebra come from?

where does the word 'algebra' come from?

What place did the word algebra come from?

algebra is Arabic

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Where did the word algebra come from historically?


What language did the word algebra come from?

it came from Arabic.

Were did the word algorithm come from?

Algebra and trigonometry

How did the term algebra come to be used for the subject?

The word algebra comes from Arabic word 'Al Jabr' meaning the reunion of broken of brocken parts

From what language or society did algebra come from?

The English word "algebra" is derived from an Arabic phrase usually transliterated as "al-jebra".

What come first elementary algebra or pre algebra?

Elementary algebra

AL-khowarizimi is credited with the coining of what word?

Algebra Algebra Algebra Algebra

How did algebra come about?

algebra come from the study of general property of numbers perticularly the realnumbers

What language does the word-Algebra come from?

Its greek I think I not sure though No it's Arabic. I'm positive.