0.5 is greater. For positive decimal numbers with only 0 to the left of the decimal point, whichever number, if either, has the larger digit immediately to the right of the decimal point is larger. If the numbers have the same digit immediately to the right of the decimal point, apply the same test to the successive digits after the decimal points until one with a distinction is found; the larger of the first distinctive digit after the decimal point is in the larger number.
< > = Greater than , less than and equal too
greater than > less than < pointy end towards the smaller value
When the number is greater
0.34 is less than 0.4
No decimal is greater than 0.7 and less than 0.15 as 0.7 is greater than 0.15 is.
greater than
not always.. take .0001 and 1.1, the product is less than 1.
no, it is less. Look at he number after the decimal. The number after the decimal (34) is lower than (43) so it is less.
2.4 * 0.9 = 2.16
Anything that's: .12 > x > .008 x is are the numbers that are less than .12 and larger than .008.
Greater. The second number after decimal is greater so number is greater.
Not necessarily. 0.66666 repeating is greater than 0.4