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The relevant exponent is -2.

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Q: Which exponent gives the square of the reciprocal of a number?
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What do Negative exponents indicate?

Raising a number to a negative exponent gives you the reciprocal of the same number raised to the corresponding positive exponent. For example, 32 = 9, so 3-2 = 1/9

How do you find the reciprocal of a number?

Reciprocal is the multiplictive inverse. For example, 1/x when multiplied by x gives 1. x is the reciprocal of 1/x. Thus, if a number, when multiplied by a given number, produces 1 as the product, then that number is called the reciprocal of the given number.

What is the multiplication reciprocal of 19?

A reciprocal is the number that when multiplied with the original number will give you 1. 1/19 times 19 gives you 1.

What is the negative reciprocal of a slope?

The negative reciprocal of any gradient gives the gradient of the line perpendicular to it. If you had a line of gradient 2, the negative reciprocal would be -1/2 Just change the sign on the number and flip the number/fraction to get the negative reciprocal.

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Is there a product of two perfect squares that is not a perfect square?

No there isn't. every perfect square number can be factored into prime number. At their factoration you'll always have multiples of two on the primes exponent. Therefore you'll multiply a prime raised to a 2-multiple number with another prime raised to a 2-multiple number wich gives you also a number that factored gives you a product of prime numbers raised to a 2-multiple number and so, a perfect square.

What does reciprocal mean in math?

A reciprocal is 1 divided by a number. So, the reciprocal of x is 1/x. For example: The reciprocal of 2 is 1/2 is 0.5 The reciprocal of 9 is 1/9 is 0.111111111111 The reciprocal of 0.5 is 1/0.5 is 2. To divide one by a number is called 'taking the reciprocal.' If you have a fraction, taking the reciprocal is fairly easy: simply 'flip' it. I.e., put the numerator in the denominator, and the denominator in the numerator. For example: The reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2 The reciprocal of 7/8 is 8/7 The reciprocal of 1/4 is 4 (/1). The technical mathematical definition of the reciprocal of x is: "The number which, when multiplied by x, gives one."

What is the reciprocal of a number such that the difference between y and 6 gives 19 and please show the solution?

as given y-6=19 so y=25 the reciprocal of this no is 1/25

What does reciporocal mean?

Each for the other. If people have reciprocal respect, they each respect the other in the same way. In math, it is, for any given number, the number obtained by dividing one by that number, or put another way, the number which when multiplied by that number, gives one. The reciprocal of two is one-half.

When using quotient fractions to a negative power do you flip the base number?

A negative power gives you the reciprocal of the positive power so yes you flip your number.

What exponent gives a value of 125?

53 = 125 ====

What exponent gives a value of 81?

92 = 81