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The domains of polynomial, cosine, sine and exponential functions all contain the entire real number line. The domain of a rational function does not, since its denominator has zeros, and neither does the domain of a tangent function.

(1/2)x = true

(8/3)x = true

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Q: Which fundamental functions have all real numbers as the domain?
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How do you determine the domain and range of relations and functions?

Some functions are only defined for certain values of the argument. For example, the the logarithm is defined for positive values. The inverse function is defined for all non-zero numbers. Sometimes the range determines the domain. If you are restricted to the real numbers, then the domain of the square root function must be the non-negative real numbers. In this way, there are definitional domains and ranges. You can then chose any subset of the definitional domain to be your domain, and the images of all the values in the domain will be the range.

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No. The domain is usually the set of Real numbers whereas the range is a subset comprising Real numbers which are either all greater than or equal to a minimum value (or LE a maximum value).

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The range of y = nx consists of all positive real numbers, and the domain consists of all real numbers.

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What is the range of the square root function?

The answer depends on the domain. If the domain is non-negative real numbers, then the range is the whole of the real numbers. If the domain is the whole of the real numbers (or the complex plane) , the range is the complex plane.

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The domain of your function is the set of real numbers.

What are the domain and range of the quadratic parent function?

The domain is all real numbers, and the range is nonnegative real numbers (y ≥ 0).

Would the domain be something other than all real numbers provide an example?

It could be a subset: for example, for the function y = log(x), the domain is x > 0. There are many functions whose domain is the complex plane.

What is the range of absolute value functions My teacher said it would be all real numbers. However I thought it would be positive real numbers. Can you explain who is right and why?

The absolute value of a number is positive, so the range is always a positive real number. You are correct. The domain, that is the value before you take the absolute value, is all real numbers, but the range is always positive.