Factors are whole numbers that divide exactly into a whole number. These numbers have no remainder. Primes, on the other hand, have exactly two factors which are 1 and itself.
Factors refer to whole numbers, not decimals.
Factors are normally only applicable to whole numbers.
numbers are 5,8,10,14,21,22,26,27,33,34,35,38,39,46,51,55,57,65,69,74,77,85,91,95. total 24.
4 and 7
No numbers between 1 and 100 have exactly eleven factors. 60, 72, 84, 90 and 96 each have twelve factors.
the factors of 11 are 1, and 11 (whole numbers) it is a prime number
1024 has exactly eleven. 60 has twelve, so it has eleven as well.
There are five numbers in that range with 12 factors, but none with exactly eleven.
Prime numbers, raised to a power, have one more factor than their exponents. The smallest prime number is 2. 210 has eleven factors. 210 = 1024
If that's eleven, the factors are one and eleven. If that's ll, the factors are l and l.
11,011 is how you write eleven thousand eleven
They are: 11,000+1,100+11 = 12,111
1 and 11
1 and 11
seven, eleven