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Q: Who was the Arabic mathematician who invented algebra?
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Why algebra is known as algebra?

Algebra was invented by the Muslim mathematician Al-Khwarizmi and is the Arabic word (aljabr) for "equation".

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Who was the Arabic mathematician?

Real specific but Arabic scholar Al-Khwarizmi is credited for inventing algebra

What did Al Khwarizmi do?

Al-khwarizmi was a muslim mathematician who invented algebra.

How did algebra get started?

Algebra, as the Arabic origin of its name suggests, originated with the work of the Persian mathematician al-KhwÄrizmÄ« (780 – 850).

What region invented Algebra?

Arabs and Babylonians. Algebra comes from the Arabic 'al-jabr'.

Who invented algerbra?

Algebra was invented by the Muslim mathematician Al-Khwarizmiin the book he wrote in 820. Algebra is the Arabic word (aljabr) for "equation", and the word "algorithm" comes from the author's name, Al-Khwarizmi. He is rightly known as "the father of Algebra".-J. J. O'Conner and E. F. Robertson wrote in the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive

Who was best known for developing algebra?

The traditional father of Geometry is the Greek mathematician, Diophantus. In recent times, a push has been made to recognize the Arabic mathematician al-Khwarizmi, founder of al-jabr, as the progenitor of algebra.

Which mathematician applied algebra to geometry?

Rene Descartes was the mathematician that applied algebra to geometry.

How does Muslim made mathematics?

The modern number system were first invented by a Muslim mathematician which later converted into current established digits and numbers. Also "Algebra" was invented by a Muslim mathematician Jaaber.

Where does the word algebra come from?

Algebra comes from the Arabic word al-jabr, meaning the reunion of broken parts. The mathematician al-Kawarizimi likened this to restoring what is missing and equating like with like.

Who developed the study of algebra?

Algebra as we know it today is generally credited to work done by the 9th century Persian mathematician al-Khowarizmi. The original Arabic al-jabr meant "completion" or "balancing".