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Q: Who were the first person to know algebra?
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Related questions

What class is best to take first geometry or algebra?

Algebra. I took it in that order, and to do most of the geometry, you HAVE to know algebra. If I had taken geometry first, I would have failed. ALGEBRA FIRST.

Who was the first person to use algebra?

Algebra was first used in 1800 BC. There is evidence of the solution for quadratic elliptic equations in the Strasburg Tablet from Old Babylon.

Who are the pioneers of algebra?

The person who developed algebra was famous Muslim mathematician Al-Khawarizmi. He is know as the "father" of algebra, and lived during the Golden Age of Islamic civilization during the Abbasid Dynasty.

Who was the first person to invent algebra?

Mohammed ibn-Musa al-Khwarizmi is who invented algebra,and also algebra has a Arabic root which means something like [breaking a thing and then assembling it correctly again] ,

What is a monomials expressions?

Not sure how to answer your question, however i know that the name Algebra came fom an Arabic name which was the person who started Algebra as we call it guy...

What come first elementary algebra or pre algebra?

Elementary algebra

What is the difference between algebra 1a and algebra 1b?

algebra 1a is the first part of algebra 1 and algebra 1b is the second part. :)

What is an algebraist?

An algebraist is a person who is particularly skilled in algebra, or a mathematician who specializes in algebra.

Which course is better pre-algebra 1 or pre-algebra 2?

It depends on how far you are on Pre-algebra. If you don't know anything, I recommend you take Pre-algebra 1. If you are advanced in Pre-algebra and you know variables and expressions then I recommend you take Pre-algebra 2

Who are the person who united algebra and geometry?

God are the person

Who introduced the first algebra text?

The first algebra text was introduced by a Muslim scholar, in Iraq.

What comes first geometry or algebra?

It depends on your school, but it is usually Algebra 1, Algebra 2, then Geometry.