

Best Answer

Algebra. I took it in that order, and to do most of the geometry, you HAVE to know algebra. If I had taken geometry first, I would have failed. ALGEBRA FIRST.

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Q: What class is best to take first geometry or algebra?
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What is the best order of classes for high school?

9th-Algebra I, 10th-Geometry, 11th-Algebra II, 12th-There are a bunch of classes that one can take at my school College Algebra is one Pre-Calculus is another. If one started out in a high level math class like Geometry in 9th grade then they would take Algebra II in 10th, Trigonometry in 11th, then AP Calculus in 12th.

Is Pre-calc or stats harder I did good in geometry bad in algebra what one would be better for me to take if i plan on going for criminal justice?

If you want to be the scientest kind you need geometry well algebra is the best choice.

What has the author William J Milne written?

William J. Milne is best known for his work in mathematics. He wrote books on subjects such as differential and integral calculus, linear algebra, and the theory of functions of a real variable. Additionally, he made significant contributions to the field of mathematical analysis.

Who was best known for developing algebra?

The traditional father of Geometry is the Greek mathematician, Diophantus. In recent times, a push has been made to recognize the Arabic mathematician al-Khwarizmi, founder of al-jabr, as the progenitor of algebra.

What has the author John B Fraleigh written?

John B. Fraleigh is best known for his book "A First Course in Abstract Algebra," which is widely used as a textbook in college-level mathematics courses. He has also authored other textbooks and publications related to mathematics and abstract algebra.

What class is higher than first class?

There is no class higher than First Class because first Class is the highest and the best.

What is the best class ever?

First class of course.

Who are the best mathematicians at algebra?

the best mathematician at algebra are Pythagoras because of him, there is pythagorean theorem

If Failing algebra in high schooland now receiving an A in a college algebra class may be explained by the law of exercise. Yes or not?

yes, very true practice makes perfect... keep practicing to make your best effort

Who are the best mathematicians in algebra?


Who is the father of geometry What book did he write about geometry?

Euclid of Alexandria. He wrote a number of books about geometry but is best know for "Elements".

What is the best definition for probability in geometry?

Since probability is not a geometric concept, there is no definition for it in geometry.