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you call it algebra because it has an unknown number which you have to solve for

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Q: Why do you call it algebra?
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Who first used algebra?

There were no Muslims around 4000 years ago when the Babylonians began using what we now call algebra.

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it has no steps

What do you call the two numbers you add together in an algebra problem?

bloody tricky

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Not sure how to answer your question, however i know that the name Algebra came fom an Arabic name which was the person who started Algebra as we call it guy...

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A head banger.

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Oh, dude, like, the answer to page 8.8 in the punchline algebra book is probably some math joke or something. And what do you call three toucans? I mean, come on, obviously, you call them a trio of tropical birds. Duh.

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Probably having panes.

What do you call the algebra geometry and trigonometry?

Basic math. When you begin calculus you will move into intermediate mathematics.

my 9th grader needs help with math-algebra canwe get help ?

send me his assisgnments and i will help in math/algebra etc.carlotta, certified teacher k-12 grades,p.e. taught 2nd grade math high school algebra/math.$15.00hr. yes i can help that kind of situation.If you want i can help her through tutor.For more information you can call at this number 0897654577. Laser Mathematics Learning Center provides tutoring services for all levels of Algebra: Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and College Algebra on-line.

What careers need algebra?

There is a very simple point i will try to put across so it will be drilled into the inatimate object that you call your brain. YOU WILL FAIL ALGEBRA AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE WILL DIE A FIERY DEATH

What is the proper name of the fraction bar in algebra?

The "fraction bar" that we usually call it is actually called the vinculum.

What is after pre algebra?

Since "pre-" means before, then pre-algebra would be before algebra. Conversely, algebra would be after pre-algebra. Generally, the next class after a pre-algebra class would be Algebra I, followed by Algebra II.