There were no Muslims around 4000 years ago when the Babylonians began using what we now call algebra.
Al Khwarizmi is said to be the founder of Algebra, since he first used it.that why we use it now
The origins of algebra can be traced back to ancient mathmatics roughly 4 thousand years ago!
ben john
Elementary algebra
Radicals were first used in 1525 in Die Cross. They were first used by Christoff Rudolff, who was a German mathematician.
Al Khwarizmi is said to be the founder of Algebra, since he first used it.that why we use it now
The origins of algebra can be traced back to ancient mathmatics roughly 4 thousand years ago!
ben john
Elementary algebra
It was first used in a algebra book called "Teutshe algebra" in 1659. The author was a man named Johann Rahn.
Radicals were first used in 1525 in Die Cross. They were first used by Christoff Rudolff, who was a German mathematician.
It was first used in a algebra book called " Teutshe algebra" in 1659. The author was a man named Johann Rahn.
The word 'Algebra' is Arabic in origin, as 'A; Jebr', and means 'The Union of broken parts. The roots of algebra can be tracted back to Babylon approximatelt 1700 BC. Modern algebra was first used in the 16th Century,
Algebra is used for mathematics
'Part' is not a term used in Algebra.
In the Middle East during the Muslim Empire (600-ish AD).
It depends on your school, but it is usually Algebra 1, Algebra 2, then Geometry.