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Volume is often measured in "cubic" units. That is to say a cube of a given size. e.g cubic centimeters, cubic feet. To calculate the volume of a rectangular prism, you would multiply length x witdth x height. If the length, width, and height are equal, you would multiply that value by itself twice. e.g. 2 x 2 x 2. This expression can also be written with an exponent of 3 (23) or 2 cubed. The same logic applies to an exponent of 2 used in expressions of area (length x width.) If length and width are equal, it is a square, hence "square feet" or ft2.

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Q: Why is 3 read as cubed when used as an exponent?
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When the exponent is 3?

An exponent of 3 is used when a number is multiplied by itself three times. For example, 2x2x2 = 23. 23 can be read as "two to the third" or as "two cubed".

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What is x cubed plus x cubed?

x + x = 2x. Similarly, x^3 + x^3 = 2(x^3)

What is when a number has an exponent 2?

The number is said to be squared. If the exponent were 3, it would be "cubed" and if it were 4, some people would say "tessed."

What is half an exponent mean?

I assume the question is about an exponent whose value is a half (or a multiple of a half). An exponent of a half is simply the square root. Similarly, an exponent of (1/3) is a cubed-root and so on.

Is a cube a number?

No, a cube is not a number. A number "cubed" expresses a number times itself three times. For example: 3 cubed = 3 x 3 x 3 = 27 In other words, when the exponent on a number is three, the number is cubed.

Why is the expression 3 to the power of 3 sometmes read as 3 cubed?

Cubed is the term for "to the power of three". 273 is called Twenty-seven it's just not just the 33 that is called cubed.

How do you show cubed in numbers?

you put a 3 after the unit like this l*w*h=45ft3 but make it a tiny 3 like an exponent

What is the exponent of 99?

An exponent indicates how many times a number is multiplied by itself, so any number can be written with the exponent 1, just as 99 = 991. Since an exponent of 1 does not change the value of a number, it is not usually shown. A number with an exponent 2 is squared and with a 3 is cubed, for example 42 = 4 x 4 = 16 and 33 = 3 x 3 x 3 = 27.

How do you solve an exponent?

An exponent means "this many times." So, 4 cubed (to the power of 3; a 3 exponent.) is 4 NOT times 3, but 3 TIMES. So it is 4x4x4(=64). Or, 5 to the power of 5 is 5 times itself 5 times, so, 5x5x5x5x5(=3,125). 3 to the power of 9 is 3 times itself 9 times. Basically, the exponent tells how many times you multiply the number by itself. Does that help?

What does 20 with an exponent mean?

20 with an exponent of 2 means 20 squared, or 20 times 20, or 400. An exponent of 3 means 20 cubed, or 20 times 20 times 20, or 8000. The exponents work as they do for any other base.