because someone wanted to send a message that no one else could understand
It is 10111111 in binary. Try a search for '191 to binary'.
11 in binary form: 1011 11 is binary form of 3
1 In binary numbering means on 0 In binary numbering means off
310=21 + 20 . That is 112 in binary system.
The decimal equivalent of the binary number 1001.1101 is 9.8125.
by whom binary is invented
In 1679
i dont knowww
The bard invented the meacanical mouse
Binary system is invented to allow its use for computers where "on" is for one and "off" is for zero. So, numbers could be easily identified by the computers.
1976 by George Rew
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
a smart one
he was a mathematician and he invented infinitesimal calculus and the binary system
The idea of binary code came about in the late 1600s and is often credited to Gottfried Leibniz , a German mathematician and all round clever person. Francis Bacon was using a binary code with letters of the alphabet as a cipher, so aaab aabb etc exactly the same as binary, this is in his book The Advancement of Learning.
Binary systems appear in many ancient cultures. The earliest is believed to be the I Ching, a Chinese philosophical text that dates back to the 9th century BC. Other early examples of binary systems include the Mangarevan invention of binary steps for arithmetic, Shao Yang's binary arrangement of hexagrams, and Pingala's work on prosody. The modern binary number system was studied by Gottfried Leibniz in 1679. Leibniz published a work in 1703 that describes the binary system of the Chinese and his own system of binary numbers. Leibniz attributed the invention of binary system to Fuxi.
The modern version of binary numbers was discovered by the German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz in 1679. He credits the invention of binary numbers to Fu Xi, who he claims invented the "I Ching" binary system in China 4,000 years ago. Modern historians believe that the "I Ching", which contains the "bagua" binary hexagrams, dates closer to the 9th century BC. Binary numbers were also used elsewhere in the world outside China and Germany. In Polynesia, indigenous groups used a binary decimal system as early as 1450 AD. Pingala in India used a binary system in 200 BC for prosody. A similar system was used in sub-saharan Africa as part of their numerology system (known as "geomancy"). The sort of binary we use today however was put together by a fellow named "Francis Bacon" , and another chap named "Gottfried Leibniz" in the 1600s. The full power of Binary however was finally unlocked by a man named "George Boole" in the 1800s when he invented Boolean algebra which brought all the ideas together.