245.17086 Digit in thousandths place is 0 Digit in ten thousandths place is 8 Digit in tenths place is 1
A digit is a number or numeral. A dividend is a number to be divided. A dividend is divided by a divisor to yield a quotient. A digit dividend is a single digit number that is being divided some other (non-specified) number. The word single is assumed to be there. It could be written like this: A (single) digit dividend is a single digit number that is being divided by another number. In mathematics, there are 1-digit dividends, 2-digit dividends, etc.
The digit with the second greatest value in the number is '1'. its value is second to the largest number which is 2.
10,000 is how << Ten Thousand * * * * * 10,000 is NOT how! Ten thousandths is 0.0001 << one ten-thousandth or one hundred millionths 10 thousandths is actually 1 hundredth >> 0.010
The digit in the ten thousandths place is the 1.
ones- 1, tens- 6, hundreds- 3, thousandths- 9
ones- 1, tens- 6, hundreds- 3, thousandths- 9
245.17086 Digit in thousandths place is 0 Digit in ten thousandths place is 8 Digit in tenths place is 1
It is the digit 1 that occupies the ten thousandths place
The thousandths place digit is the third digit to the right of the decimal point.Look at the digit to the right of that one (the ten thousandths place).If that digit is 0-4, then the thousandths digit doesn't change.If that digit is 5-9, then add 1 to the thousandths place digit and carry over the rest of the addition if the thousandths digit is a 9.Truncate at the thousandths place (discard all digits to the right of it)
The hundreds digit is 2; the tens digit is 5; the ones digit is 8; the tenths digit is 1; the hundredths digit is 7; the thousandths digit is 6.
The thousandths place is the third to the right of the decimal point.