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A digit is a number or numeral. A dividend is a number to be divided. A dividend is divided by a divisor to yield a quotient. A digit dividend is a single digit number that is being divided some other (non-specified) number. The word single is assumed to be there. It could be written like this: A (single) digit dividend is a single digit number that is being divided by another number. In mathematics, there are 1-digit dividends, 2-digit dividends, etc.

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Q: What is a digit dividend?
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What can you say about the dividend and divisor A three digit number is divided by a one digit number the quotient is a two digit number?

A dividend is is a number to be divided and a divisor is a number to be divided into a dividend. Here the dividend is a three digit number and is divided by a one digit divisor. The quotient or result is a two digit number as stated. So in math terms, we can state that the dividend is a three digit number and that the divisor is a one digit number.

How do you get 308 with a two digit divisor and a five digit dividend?

33 and 10164

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If you have a two-digit divisor and a three-digit dividend does the quotient always have same number of digits?

Unless you are using remainders, no because the divisor may not divide evenly into the dividend you idiots.

If you have a 2 digit divisor and a 3 digit dividend does the quotient always have the same number of digits?

no it does not thank you

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What two digit divisor and a five digit dividend gives you the quotient of 308?

There is more than one answer to your question. One answer is a divisor of 99 and a dividend of 30492. A divisor of 33 and a dividend of 10164 would do as well. In fact you can use any number between 33 and 99 as the divisor if you adjust the dividend accordingly.

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What mathematical words have i as the second letter?

difference, dividend,divisor,divide, digit

How do you check 2 digit division?

you add the divisor with the dividend then subtract your answer wiith your remainder

What is the rule to get a two digit divisor a five digit dividend and a quotient of 308?

Divisor must be greater than 10000/308 ie 33 or more

What 2-digit divisor has a estimated quotients of 50 and 60?

That's really going to depend a lot on what the dividend is.