Formula: liters per km x 2.82 = miles per Imperial gallon
To convert 4 dollars per gallon to Euros per liter, you would first convert dollars to Euros using the current exchange rate. Then, convert gallons to liters using the conversion factor 1 gallon = 3.78541 liters. Finally, divide the cost in Euros by the volume in liters to get the Euros per liter value.
About 58.84 mpg
To convert gallons per hour to liters per second, you can use the conversion factors: 1 gallon = 3.78541 liters and 1 hour = 3600 seconds. First convert 5.750 gallons to liters: 5.750 gallons * 3.78541 liters/gallon = 21.763 liters. Then, convert hours to seconds: 1 hour/3600 seconds. Finally, divide the liters by the seconds to get liters per second: 21.763 liters / 3600 seconds β 0.00604 liters per second.
Use this formula: mpg x 235.2 = liters per 100 km
Use this formula: mpg x 235.2 = liters per 100 km
14 liters per 100km equates to about 20.177 miles per Imperial gallon.
Multiply litres per km by 2.35 to get miles per gallon.
Use this formula to convert mpg to liters per km: mpg x 2.352 = liters per kilometer* * * * *Correction, since the two measures are inversely related:liters per kilometer = 2.352/mpg (US)
To convert cents per liter to price per gallon, first divide by 3.785 to convert liters to gallons. Then, multiply by 100 to convert cents to dollars. Therefore, at 92.4 cents per liter, the price per gallon would be approximately $3.49.
1 US gallon = 3.785 liter1 mgd (million gallons per day)= 3.785 million liters per day.
About 3.785 liters per gallon.