Oh, dude, 5 cc is a volume measurement, not a speed measurement. It's like asking how tall a liter is in inches. So, technically, 5 cc doesn't have a speed in miles per hour. It's like trying to measure the speed of a snail in gallons per minute.
Multiply km per liter by 2.35 to get miles per gallon.
32 Miles Per Gallon !!
Converting a percentage to liters is not a straightforward formula as percent is a measure of a part per hundred while liters are a unit of volume. To convert a percentage to liters, you would need to know the density of the substance in question. The formula would involve multiplying the volume of the substance by its density to determine the amount in liters.
15 liters = 3.96 gal. 100km = 62.14 miles result = 15.69 mpg.
Formula: liters per km x 2.82 = miles per Imperial gallon
About 58.84 mpg
10.425 miles/liter ... =10.425miles/liter * 3.7854 liters/gal = 39.46 mpg
Use this formula: mpg x 235.2 = liters per 100 km
Use this formula: mpg x 235.2 = liters per 100 km
Use this formula to convert mpg to liters per km: mpg x 2.352 = liters per kilometer* * * * *Correction, since the two measures are inversely related:liters per kilometer = 2.352/mpg (US)
14 liters per 100km equates to about 20.177 miles per Imperial gallon.
4.546 liters per Imperial gallon.
If you already know your miles per gallon, use this formula to convert it to liters per 100 kilometers - mpg x 235.21 = L/100km
That is the same as convertiing kl to gal.
Multiply by 3600.